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So what is Ag Biology?

Ag Biology is exactly what the name implies: biology through the lense of agriculture. In Ag Biology you will study life, and the means by which agriculture impacts the lives of humans, animals, and the environment. You will also participate in FFA, and the SAE component of the program.

Ag Biology DropBox Folder

The Ag Biology Dropbox folder contains important documents related to the course content.  The instructor will change the files contained within the folder often, so check back continually to find important information.

Ag Biology Homework Links

In Ag Biology, you will often be asked to complete various homework assignments online. Those links can always be found here for the current unit of study.

Past Homework Assignment Links

Links to homework assignments due within the past two weeks can be found here. ***Please note that any project plans for projects that have already been turned in will not be accepted late, and therefore cannot be found below***

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